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|I suppose I should have come on time. One afternoon fifteen years ago, I was rocking my wheelchair into the park, and it had everything ready for an abandoned. At that time, the sun was getting bigger and redder along the same old path. In the quiet light that pervades the garden, it is easier for one to see time and one's own shadow.
|I suppose I should have come on time. One afternoon 15 years ago, I was rocking my wheelchair into the park, and it had everything ready for an abandoned. At that time, the sun was getting bigger and redder along the same old path. In the quiet light that pervades the garden, it is easier for one to see time and one's own shadow.

Revision as of 21:38, 9 April 2020



中文 英文
我在好几篇小说中都提到过一座废弃的古园,实际就是地坛。 I've written several stories about an abandoned old garden, which is actually Temple of Earth.
许多年前旅游业还没有开展,园子荒芜冷落得如同一片野地,很少被人记起。 Many years ago, before the development of tourism, the garden desolate as a wilderness, few people remembered.
地坛离我家很近。或者说我家离地坛很近。总之,只好认为这是缘分。地坛在我出生前四百多年就座落在那儿了,而自从我的祖母年轻时带着我父亲来到北京,就一直住在离它不远的地方——五十多年间搬过几次家,可搬来搬去总是在它周围,而且是越撤离它越近了。我常觉得这中间有着宿命的味道:仿佛这古园就是为了等我,而历尽沧桑在那儿等待了四百多年。 Temple of Earth is close to my house. Or rather, my house is near Temple of Earth. In short, one can only think that it is fate. Temple of Earth was there more than 400 years before I was born, and my grandmother had lived near it ever since she brought my father with her when she was young. The family had moved several times in more than 50 years, but it was always around the garden, and we got to it closer and closer. I often feel that it is a destiny: as if the ancient garden had waited for me through all the vicissitudes of life and had waited there for more than 400 years.
它等待我出生,然后又等待我活到最狂妄的年龄上忽地残废了双腿。四百多年里,它一面剥蚀了古殿檐头浮夸的琉璃,淡褪了门壁上炫耀的朱红,坍记了一段段高墙又散落了玉砌雕栏,祭坛四周的老柏树愈见苍幽,到处的野草荒藤也都茂盛得自在坦荡。 It waited for me to be born, and then it waited for me to reach the age when I was at my most arrogant and suddenly crippled my legs. For more than 400 years, it has eroded the flamboyant colored glass on the eaves of the ancient temple, faded the vermilion showing off on the walls of the gate. Also, it collapsed sections of the high walls and scattered the jade balustrades. The old Cypress trees around the altar are growing paler and paler, and wild grasses and vines grow freely everywhere.
这时候想必我是该来了。十五年前的一个下午,我摇着轮椅进入园中,它为一个失魂落魄的人把一切都准备好了。那时,太阳循着亘古不变的路途正越来越大,也越红。在满园弥漫的沉静光芒中,一个人更容易看到时间,并看见自己的身影。 I suppose I should have come on time. One afternoon 15 years ago, I was rocking my wheelchair into the park, and it had everything ready for an abandoned. At that time, the sun was getting bigger and redder along the same old path. In the quiet light that pervades the garden, it is easier for one to see time and one's own shadow.
自从那个下午我无意中进了这园子,就再没长久地离开过它。 I haven't been away from it for long since that afternoon when I stumbled into the garden.
