Difference between revisions of "闪电数据接口"

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Latest revision as of 05:57, 14 July 2021


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API 地址



  • boundslng1,lat1,lng2,lat2 边界范围,顺序为【左下,右上】 
  • duration: 最近多少秒的数据,支持范围为 0~600


  1 {
  2   "status": "ok",
  3   "server_time": 1626241338,
  4   "start_time": 1626241248,
  5   "version": "V2.0",
  6   "statistic": {
  7     "count": 215,
  8     "max_intensity": 182.60000610351562,
  9     "max_slope": 0
 10   },
 11   "data": [
 12     {
 13       "slope": 0,
 14       "count": 0,
 15       "strength": 182.60000610351562,
 16       "intensity": 182.60000610351562,
 17       "lat": 4.829451560974121,
 18       "time_step": 1626241262,
 19       "lng": 87.80194854736328
 20     },
 21     {
 22       "slope": 0,
 23       "count": 1,
 24       "strength": 155.8000030517578,
 25       "intensity": 155.8000030517578,
 26       "lat": 18.409818649291992,
 27       "time_step": 1626241269,
 28       "lng": 120.8565444946289
 29     },
 30     {
 31       "slope": 0,
 32       "count": 4,
 33       "strength": 145.6999969482422,
 34       "intensity": 145.6999969482422,
 35       "lat": 10.919302940368652,
 36       "time_step": 1626241257,
 37       "lng": 122.3360366821289
 38     },
 39     {
 40       "slope": 0,
 41       "count": 9,
 42       "strength": 112.80000305175781,
 43       "intensity": 112.80000305175781,
 44       "lat": 12.397806167602539,
 45       "time_step": 1626241254,
 46       "lng": 123.38614654541016
 47     },
 48     {
 49       "slope": 0,
 50       "count": 16,
 51       "strength": 102.9000015258789,
 52       "intensity": 102.9000015258789,
 53       "lat": 12.875423431396484,
 54       "time_step": 1626241257,
 55       "lng": 101.24833679199219
 56     },
 57     {
 58       "slope": 0,
 59       "count": 25,
 60       "strength": 87.80000305175781,
 61       "intensity": 87.80000305175781,
 62       "lat": 14.454866409301758,
 63       "time_step": 1626241300,
 64       "lng": 101.83929443359375
 65     },
 66     {
 67       "slope": 0,
 68       "count": 36,
 69       "strength": 75,
 70       "intensity": -75,
 71       "lat": 12.840614318847656,
 72       "time_step": 1626241257,
 73       "lng": 101.2212142944336
 74     },
 75     {
 76       "slope": 0,
 77       "count": 49,
 78       "strength": 56.79999923706055,
 79       "intensity": 56.79999923706055,
 80       "lat": 17.142257690429688,
 81       "time_step": 1626241323,
 82       "lng": 113.2735366821289
 83     },
 84     {
 85       "slope": 0,
 86       "count": 64,
 87       "strength": 49,
 88       "intensity": -49,
 89       "lat": 7.984853267669678,
 90       "time_step": 1626241259,
 91       "lng": 106.00811767578125
 92     },
 93     {
 94       "slope": 0,
 95       "count": 81,
 96       "strength": 42,
 97       "intensity": -42,
 98       "lat": 18.932626724243164,
 99       "time_step": 1626241279,
100       "lng": 114.91795349121094
101     },
102     {
103       "slope": 0,
104       "count": 100,
105       "strength": 32.70000076293945,
106       "intensity": -32.70000076293945,
107       "lat": 14.200088500976562,
108       "time_step": 1626241274,
109       "lng": 102.83013153076172
110     },
111     {
112       "slope": 0,
113       "count": 121,
114       "strength": 28,
115       "intensity": -28,
116       "lat": 26.877634048461914,
117       "time_step": 1626241274,
118       "lng": 118.97920989990234
119     },
120     {
121       "slope": 0,
122       "count": 144,
123       "strength": 21.5,
124       "intensity": 21.5,
125       "lat": 42.723758697509766,
126       "time_step": 1626241313,
127       "lng": 112.80644226074219
128     },
129     {
130       "slope": 0,
131       "count": 169,
132       "strength": 16.899999618530273,
133       "intensity": -16.899999618530273,
134       "lat": 26.878698348999023,
135       "time_step": 1626241322,
136       "lng": 118.96826934814453
137     },
138     {
139       "slope": 0,
140       "count": 196,
141       "strength": 10.5,
142       "intensity": 10.5,
143       "lat": 34.12171936035156,
144       "time_step": 1626241292,
145       "lng": 117.88465118408203
146     }
147   ]
148 }


字段 含义 备注
status 响应状态
server_time 服务器时间
start_time 数据开始时间
version 内部版本号
statistic.count 累计多少次闪电
data.* 见下表格
字段 含义 备注
time_step 内部定义的时间步长,等价于时间戳
slope 回击最大陡度
count 当前网格区间有多少个闪电
strength 回击峰值强度 kA 千安培
intensity 回击峰值强度 kA 千安培,区分正负值
lat 纬度
lng 经度