Difference between revisions of "ColorfulClouds Weather API"
(→The AI technology behind) |
(→The AI technology behind) |
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== The AI technology behind == | == The AI technology behind == | ||
− | Since the founding at 2014, we always dedicated in improving the algorithms | + | Since the founding at 2014, we always dedicated in improving the algorithms for years, there are many works behind the services. |
Revision as of 06:07, 2 April 2020
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- General weather API interface:
A global service
- the datetime calculation will impact the avg/max/min value calculation of weather variables, our i18n features fully support this.
- the unit of measurement is fully support i18n requirement, we support Metric system, Imperial and US customary units and International System of Units
- the user-friendly nature language description of current weather conditions is support i18n, but we only provide Chinese, English and Japanese support.
Data coverage of general weather forecast
- Since the just begining of our weather API offering, we provide global hourly and daily weather forecast at any point on earth with arbitrary latitude and longitude.
Data coverage of minute-by-minute nowcasting service
- We are among the few providers can give global-wide nowcasting service, we can provide service in below areas
Continent | Country/region |
Europe | Italy, Lithuania, Malta, France, Slovakia, Norway, Belarus, Iceland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Germany, Spain, Ukraine, Denmark, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Croatia, Russia, Romania, Portugal, Estonia, Serbia, United Kingdom, Austria, Greece, Hungary |
Oceania | Fiji, Guam, Australia, Marshall Islands, New Caledonia, Australia |
Asia | Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, Diaoyu Islands, Spratly Islands, Turkey, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Iran, Singapore, Oman, Philippines, Japan, India, Cambodia, Cyprus, Malaysia, Vietnam, Kuwait, Thailand, South Korea, North Korea |
North America | Canada, Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Mexico, Panama, Martinique, Cuba, United States, Bermuda, Puerto Rico, Kura, Guadeloupe, Nicaragua |
South America | Brazil, French Guiana, Colombia, Guyana, Paraguay, Argentina |
The quality of our nowcasting services is related with the quality of service of the radar data providers, it may vary from country to country; but as a service provider since 2014, we are a provened player in this area.
Data coverage of air quality forecast
Full scope of China and US.
API Features
Full-scoped variables
Name | Code | Quality | Unit of measurement | Temporal granularity | Geospatial scope | Comments |
Temperature | temperature | temperature | °C, °F, K | realtime, hourly, daily | globally | temperature 2m above |
Pressure | pres | pressure | Pa | realtime, hourly, daily | globally | pressure on surface |
Relative humidity | humidity | relative humidity | % | realtime, hourly, daily | globally | relative humidity 2m above |
Wind direction | wind direction | wind direction | degree | realtime, hourly, daily | globally | wind direction 10m above |
Wind speed | wind speed | wind speed | km/h, mph, m/h | realtime, hourly, daily | globally | wind speed 10m above |
Cloud rate | cloudrate | total cloud rate | 0~1 | realtime, hourly, daily | globally | total cloud rate |
Shortwave radiation | dswrf | downward shortwave radiation | W/m^2 | realtime, hourly, daily | globally | downward shortwave radiation on surface |
Visibility | visibility | visibility by distance | km, mile, m | realtime, hourly, daily | globally | horizontal visibility by distance on surface |
Nearest distance to precipitation area | Nearest distance to precipitation area | distance | km, mile, m | realtime | radar supported area | nearest distance to precipitation area |
Intensity of nearest precipitation | intensity of nearest precipitation | precipitation intensity | 0~1 | realtime | radar supported area | intensity of nearest precipitation |
Intensity of local precipitation | Intensity of local precipitation | precipitation intensity | 0~1 | realtime, minutely | radar supported area | intensity of local precipitation |
sky condition | skycon | weather condition | text | realtime, hourly, daily | globally | weather condition |
comfort index | comfort index | comfort index | text | realtime, hourly, daily | globally | weather comfort condition |
ultraviolet index | ultraviolet index | ultraviolet index | text | realtime, hourly, daily | globally | ultraviolet condition |
PM25 | pm25 | PM25 | μg/m^3 | realtime, hourly, daily | air-quality forecast supported area | PM25 mass concentration |
PM10 | pm10 | PM10 | μg/m^3 | realtime | air-quality forecast supported area | PM10 mass concentration |
O3 | o3 | O3 | μg/m^3 | realtime | air-quality forecast supported area | O3 mass concentration |
NO2 | no2 | No2 | μg/m^3 | realtime | air-quality forecast supported area | NO2 mass concentration |
SO2 | so2 | SO2 | μg/m^3 | realtime | air-quality forecast supported area | SO2 mass concentration |
CO | co | CO | mg/m^3 | realtime | air-quality forecast supported area | CO mass concentration |
AQI | aqi | AQI by China standard | 0~500 | realtime, hourly, daily | air-quality forecast supported area | AQI by China standard |
The nowcasting service
The AI technology behind
Since the founding at 2014, we always dedicated in improving the algorithms for years, there are many works behind the services.